Yoni Steaming Benefits

Yoni steaming (also called vaginal steaming, v-steaming, or pelvic steaming) is an ancient wellness practice for women, involving the application of herb-infused steam to the pelvic region.

This luxurious form of self-care is renowned for its ability to rebalance difficult menstrual cycles, fertility challenges, and a whole host of other feminine health issues throughout the various cycles of a woman’s life.

This practice is relatively simple to learn, and to use at home on your own. However, it is crucial to seek the guidance of a qualified steam facilitator as you embark on your steam journey; every stage of a woman’s life has slightly different needs, and every woman has unique conditions and sensitivities. The right steam plan is essential for good results (to get your personalized steam recommendations, text STEAM to this number — additional fees apply).

So what kinds of specific results are women seeing through yoni steaming? Common areas of relief* include:

—Period problems (cramps, clots, absent periods, short cycles, long cycles, heavy bleeding, and acne)
—Infections, including UTIs
—Cysts and other “bumps”
—Endometriosis symptoms
—PCOS symptoms
—Vaginal dryness
—Labor preparation
—Postpartum recovery
—Miscarriage & abortion recovery
—Natural induction of “missed miscarriage”
—Low libido
—Scar tissue
—Sexual abuse trauma recovery

*Source: The Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute and the Pelvic Steam Testimonial Database

But there is so much misinformation about this practice that’s floating around the internet, largely perpetuated by people who have never experienced steaming, or actually even bothered to learn about it – the majority of the critics are making assumptions, flat-out guessing, and drawing conclusions from ignorance.

So, I think it’s important to mention and debunk a few common myths… Find the full listing of blog articles here.


Yoni Steaming Myths, Part 1


Self-Care During your Moontime